Applied Bioinformatics Course

Course Description

The Applied Bioinformatics course by ABI Chairman Hans Binder covered the core concepts of molecular medicine, life data sciences, as well as gave an insight into emerging and promising research areas in the field of Bioinformatics. The course also included helpful tips on how to write and publish scientific research papers and addresses disputed topics in Bioinformatics. The course takes 9 weeks to complete and was instructed every Wednesday at 6 PM Yerevan time. The language of instruction was English. Upon completion, students received a certificate from ABI Research School.


Hans Binder is a Biophysicist by training and has many years of research experience, but most of all a Bioinformatician by passion and professional background. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Simulations and a Habilitation degree in soft matter physics from Leipzig University. After working in Australia, USA and Sweden he became the founding Managing Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics of Leipzig University, just as the human genome was decoded in 2002. His scientific work deals with sequencing technologies and machine learning in the context of the genome and personalized medicine. Hans is a member of the International Cancer Genome Consortium and other large-scale healthcare projects. He has authored more than 200 scientific papers. For ten years he has promoted scientific cooperation with Armenia in numerous joint projects and Armenian-German exchange programs (20 joint publications). He is the Chairman of the Scientific Board of the ABI.

Some lectures will be given by invited specialists.

Learning Outcomes

Students who completed the course not only have learned about fundamental topics and concepts, but also have developed a deep understanding of bioinformatics: where it comes from, where it is now, and where it is headed. They also developed a bioinformatical way of thinking and mindset, which is a valuable asset for any bioinformatician.

Who is the Course For?

This course is for ambitious students who wish to gain fundamental knowledge in the prospective field of Bioinformatics. More specifically, the curriculum is targeted towards medical and natural sciences (biology or data science) students.


For the completion of the course, it is crucial that students have at least some background knowledge in molecular biology, other natural sciences or medicine, and possibly also mathematics and/or statistics. Background knowledge in bioinformatics is desired, but not required.

Course Outline

Below is a summary of the topics covered in the course.

-Introduction to Bioinformatics. Where it comes from and where it is headed.
-Data: Genomics, Epigenomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics. Phenotype and Clinical Data, Measurement Technologies
-Processing: Calibration, Preprocessing, Downstream Analysis, Class Discovery, Feature Selection, Function Mining, Pathway Bioinformatics, Miracles of Statistics, Machine Learning, Modeling
-Molecular medicine: Cancer Bioinformatics, Omics Immunology, Inflammatory Diseases, Covid, Aging, Pharmaco-genomics, Immunotherapy, Targeted Treatment, Treatment Resistance, Dr. Patho and Dr.Omics, Personalized Medicine, Genomic Regulation
-Life-studies: Epidemiology, Association studies, Population Genetics, Evolution, The Molecular Diversity of Life, Molecular Archeology, Microbiomics/Metagenomics
-What’s new?: Single-cell Omics, Spatial Transcriptomics, The New World of Cellular Types, EvoDevo, Pseudo-dynamic, What’s new in 6 months?
-Useful Tips:  Disputed wordings in Bioinformatics, How to Write a Paper and Where to Publish


Those who wish to enroll must fill out this form. The registration deadline is October 31st, 2021, 11:59 PM Yerevan time. Please keep in mind that the course takes 9 weeks to complete.

Venue and Details

Location: Online via Zoom
Start date: November 3, 2021, 6 PM Yerevan time
End date: January 5, 2022

Monthly Fee

The course is free of charge.